“Echoes of Loss” centers on the aftermath of a tragic event that shakes the foundations of a family, leaving two siblings, Maya and Aryan, reeling from the sudden deaths of their parents and younger brother due to a heart attack. The siblings, both university students, are forced to rent out their family home to make ends meet, leading to the arrival of a mysterious couple, Raj and Priya.
Priya, the new tenant and an ex-detective, becomes increasingly suspicious about the circumstances surrounding the deaths, sensing that there is more to the story than meets the eye. Ignoring her husband Raj’s warnings, Priya embarks on a clandestine investigation, uncovering hidden secrets, conflicting accounts, and a trail of deception that leads her deeper into a web of lies.
Meanwhile, Maya, shattered by the loss of her family, retreats into silence, refusing to speak or engage with anyone. Her silence becomes a barrier as she grapples with grief, guilt, and unanswered questions about the deaths. Aryan, determined to keep their family home and support his sister, struggles to navigate his own emotions while facing financial challenges and the pressure of Priya’s investigation.
As Priya digs deeper into the past, she unravels shocking revelations, betrayal, and a sinister conspiracy that threatens to unravel the lives of everyone involved. “Echoes of Loss” is a riveting tale of mystery, grief, resilience, and the search for truth in the face of overwhelming loss and deception.
Echoes of Loss
“Echoes of Loss” is a gripping web series that unfolds a complex web of secrets and lies following the unexpected deaths of three family members, triggering an investigation by an ex-detective renter, while the surviving siblings grapple with grief and silence.
Genre: Mystery/Drama